Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Busy, busy, busy

Man being this busy all the time is taking its toll. I feel like I barely have time to breath. LOL My new sping/summer classes are crazy and the workload is unbelievable, add in a 4 yr old (who's sick at the moment) I'm working on Pre-K homeschooling with, household duties, helping my brother and sister in-law get into the swing of things with their new baby, all my projects and such and it makes for some super busy days. Hoping to get into a better routine with things and have things calm down a bit soon.
Its warming up here in CO, which I am LOVING!! But I'm sad we didn't have a nice winter with some warmer snow days so Ender and I could get outside and play and go sledding. But so it goes, bring on the warm weather and sunshine. :-)
I'm starting to work on some new projects one being a purse/hang bag as I can't seem to fine anything that I actually like in stores. So we'll see how that goes and I'll post some pictures as things get more under way. I'm also starting a blanket dedicated to my Twilight obsession. LOL :-) Again pictures as that gets further along, I'm still working on piecing together me thoughts and ideas on that one. Which brings me to me other project, I am working on getting a blog/site up dedicated to Twilight and the actors/actresses in the movies. So we'll see how that goes. I'm also trying to do some research and plan a nice garden for this year. 
I'm also thinking this blog could use a little spousing up with a new layout, so I hope to get to that this weekend. :-) Anyway that's all for now. Time to get some homework done and do a few things around the house. I hope everyone is having a fantastic Wednesday and getting some sunshine in their area!! :-)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wow its been a while.

Its been forever since I have posted a blog entry. :-( I'm ashamed to say life got the better of me for a while, I have just been super busy with having a 4 yr old, classes, and just life in general. But lets see if I can give this blog another go and stick with it and really get it going. :-)
Lots going on, on our end. I am finish up 4 classes this week and will start 4 new ones for the spring/summer season. Other then a few really bitter cold -10-20 days we have had a pretty mild winter here in CO and spring is definitely in the air. Which is just fine by me I'm not much a cold weather person. There is brand new precious baby in our family, my brother and wife became first time parents a few days ago (03-10-2011) to a beautiful baby boy they named Nyle. He is adorable and such a sweetheart!! I have had the blessing of being able to help them the last few days and spend lots of time snuggling him. :-) Completely warms my heart!! Ender is totally excited to have his new cousin and he should get to meet him very soon. 
I have lots of project coming up this week and in the next couple of weeks. I'll post more about them later today or tomorrow as Ender is itching to get outside and enjoy some sunshine. :-) And I should really be finishing up a paper for school.

Ender as I attended our local St Patties parade this past Saturday (03-12-2011) so since its been so long here are a couple of pictures from that.